Monday, December 31, 2007

A Visit with Santa

In early November, our neighborhood had a Bazaar that Santa came to. So, the kids went to see him. Logan did great. Lexi - not so much...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Snow, snow and more snow

Just about everyone we've asked here in Boise if it snows a lot during the winter has said no. It usually only snows a few times in the winter. Well, it snowed twice before I went to AZ for Christmas, at least once while I was down there, and now it's already snowed 2 more times in the 3 days that I've been back! I really do like the snow - I think it's very pretty (until it gets all dirty) and it just really makes it feel like winter (unlike the 65 degree sunny weather I encountered in AZ).

Today, however, was the first time in over 10 years that I have actually driven on snow covered streets. I do not like it! Of course, after it takes me 20 minutes to make a normal 10 minute drive, I realize my truck is rear-wheel drive - which explains while I kept sliding around on the turns!

So, when I have to go back out later today, I can take my car (front-wheel drive is so much better on snow), but it's been sitting outside all day and is now covered in snow, and we don't even have a snow brush/ice scraper thing to clean the car off. Let's just hope the sun comes out today and melts everything before I have to drive again. Alas, I just looked out the window and it is still snowing.

But, really, folks, I do love it here. Becuase yesterday, when it was only 30 degress, but very sunny, I had to take my coat off because I got too hot. How cool is that!

This picture doesn't have anything to do with anything, I just wanted to post a picture. I now realize where Logan gets his ability to fall asleep anywhere!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christmas Tag

I was tagged by my sil Beth. Warning: some of my answers are pretty boring, but here you go...

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Definitely Hot Chocolate - can't stand the other stuff. (I know, big surprise coming from me, huh?)

2. Do you wrap presents or not? Yes.

3. Colored Lights or White? I've gone back and forth recently. I used to love just white lights, but then it seems that everyone started putting up just white. So, I'm starting to revert back to colored. It also depends on where the lights are (house, tree, etc.)

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No.

5. When do you decorate? I try to start the day after Thanksgiving. Sometimes it's all done that weekend. Usually it takes a week or so.

6. Favorite holiday dish? Good question...I don't think I have one.

7. Favorite memory as a child? Another good question... without a good answer. It's weird, but my memory of my childhood is kind of sketchy and I can't seem to recall any Christmas memories.

8. When & how did you learn about Santa? I don't remember that either. But - every Christmas that I spent at home (even into my 20's) I got a gift from Santa.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As a kid we usually opened 1 present on Christmas Eve. Although, I do remember that one year my brother and I talked our parents into opening all of the presents that night. The only thing we got on Christmas Day was our Santa giflts.

10. How do you decorate your tree? I'm currently into a blue and silver/white phase with all of my indoor decorating. The tree has blue and white lights and blue and silver ornaments. Logan has had his own tree the past few years that has colored lights and all of the kid ornaments.

11. it or dread it? Love it. Of course, ask me that again after we get a really big snowstorm here and I may have a different answer!

12. Can you ice skate? Not very well at all.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I don't recall a favorite, but a few that I remember liking a lot were a flute, a music writing software program, a bracelet and a power screwdriver.

14. What is the most important part of the holidays? Remembering Christ and spending time with family.

15. Favorite holiday dessert? Hmm... again I can't think of a favorite. Anything chocolate.

16. Favorite tradition? It's a relatively new one for me - breakfast with Jon's family on Christmas morning.

I tag Laura, Heather, Kim, Trina and Kevin. I was going to tag Marcy, to keep it all girls, but I figured I'd give her a break since she is travelling 14 hours alone with a 4-year-old!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I've climatized

When I picked up Logan from school today, it was around 50 degrees outside. It was so warm that not only did I not wear a jacket, but I wore a short sleeve shirt! It's amazing how fast you can climatize to different weather.