Friday, February 22, 2008

I thought we were done...

But mother nature has plans of her own, I guess. I'm talking about the weather, of course. After a few weeks of non-stop snow, we had a few weeka of nice weather. High's in the 40's - it was great. I even saw some kids the past few days wearing shorts and t-shirts. Then, this morning, we awoke to snow. Again. It wasn't even in the forcast, this time. Jon's happy, because he's going snowboarding tomorrow. And I'll admit that it is pretty - I just really don't like driving in it. Oh well.

When we had our big snow a few weeks ago, Jon made a little snow fort for Logan in our front yard. It even had a window. Logan thought is was the coolest thing.

After a few days, he and his friends knocked it down, then it snowed some more and it turned into a big hill. He was playing outside one day and came in to ask if he could use his sled. So I go outside to see why, and I saw this:

He had a great time on his new sledding hill.


Teresa said...

That looks like fun. I love the snow, but only in short bursts, I couldn't live in it.

Beth said...

Austin was really jealous when he saw Logan playing in the snow. He wishes we lived where it snowed. I guess we'll just have to bring him up to visit sometime!!

Marcy said...

Ahhh, it's been...almost cold here this week. Today I saw a woman in shorts-it's so warm. I'm hoping we missed the major cold, but not counting on it. I do like playing in the snow and I'm really jealous that kevin's gone skiing this year and last year without me. Snow forts are so cool. Sledding is a blast. Dang it! I'm suppose to be preparing my YW lesson.

LauraB said...

That "hill" makes me laugh! Hope he's been to a bigger hill to use his sled!!

Becca said...

Go Logan! I miss the snow. We used to build igloos with my dad using my mom bread pans - we loved it!