Thursday, May 8, 2008

Global Warming and its impact on our nation and the world.

Well, that's not actually what my post is about. I just thought it would be fun to get your attention since this is my first every blog attempt. Since I finally joined in and Jamie was gracious enough to allow me to add my music to the blog, I thought I would blog about my favorite bands. If you are like me your favorite band probably has changed a few times over the years. My first memory of having a favorite band was Depeche Mode when I was around 11. This was definitely influenced greatly by my idolization of my brother Kevin. My dad never let me dye the hair black and grow it out like Robert Smith of The Cure like Kevin had. That was also the first concert I ever attended. Not a bad choice to start with. Soon after that I switched briefly for a year or so to constantly listening to Book of Love (also one of the many tapes, yes, not yet cd's, available through Kevin) and would fall asleep to their music most nights. That was followed up with yet more 80's music by Oingo Boingo, which I still consider one of the best ever and don't think that that is even debatable. In my teenage years I was obsessed with Nirvana for some reason and owned about 20 of their Cd's along w/ many of their posters on my wall. With help from my cousins Darrel and Aaron and one of my best friends Cody Birch I got into Ska and punk in my late teens and along with it the always exciting and constant change in hair color. I think ska/punk music is a lot of fun and had a blast going to concerts and stage diving. Since then I've sort of stuck to MXPX and they still reign supreme today. Who knows what taste changes are in store for the future. Thanks for reading my boring attempt at blogging.


Teresa said...

Nice first blog Jon. I love your music hoices. (Oingo Boingo was my first ever concert.) You know, the best Christmas gift I ever got was the collection of mixed tapes you made me one year. Good music! You do realize how old your selections make you sound, right?

Kim said...

Jon, blogging about music is NEVER boring. Good choices for favorite bands. Oingo Boingo is one of Josephs favorites. He loves all things Danny Elfman. My first ever concert was New Order.

I'm liking the playlist.

LauraB said...

My first BIG concert was Peter Frampton - how cool is that!! (Quit laughing now - seriously, stop now.)

Jon said...

Yes, Teresa, I am aware of how old that makes me look. It makes me look about a decade younger than you.

Sheri said...

I love all those bands, ofcourse. the future I think you'll be listening to Hanna Montana...just a hunch as you do have a girl now :)

Jon said...

No, she already a little punk girl...she wore low top converse with her dress to church on Sunday

Teresa said...

That's only because you control her, wait until she is a teenager!

And, I am not a decade older than you!

Jon said...

As long as her teenage year aren't anything like all 3 of my sisters then I'll be OK

Teresa said...

You are such a butt. I feel bad for Jamie sometimes.

Jamie said...

Teresa - you have no idea....

Sandy said...

Hey Jon, I have thought for years that deep down you really like country music---just not wanting to admit it---come on now---admit it!!???

Darrel said...

I have to say that as I've gotton older my taste for music hasn't really changed. I really have no interest in new music, unless it is new music from bands that I already like and even then I am hesitant. Who has time for learning and deciding if you like new bands/songs. I just don't have the patience. I don't listen to as much as I used to because I am more into talk radio and comedy radio, yes I know as sign of getting older. Lately I have been listening to more music because after the Suns debacle I can't get myself to listen to sports radio.I see that I am rambling.

Darrel said...

By the way, I was looking forward to your views on global warming, but I guess that will after to wait.

Jon said...

I have to agree, who has time for new music, I tend to stick w/my old favorites. I'm also a big talk radio guy and am real into Glenn Beck right now.

Darrel said...

Speaking of Gleen Beck, did you catch his tribute to President Hinckley after he died. It was pretty good.

Darrel said...

Speaking of Gleen Beck, did you catch his tribute to President Hinckley after he died. It was pretty good.