Sunday, November 23, 2008


I got off work early on Friday to go see Twilight with some friends from work. Then, I saw it again immediately afterwards with another friend. It was like 2 different movies. The first time, I left feeling quite disappointed and not looking forward to having to sit through it again. The second time I left quite happy. I'm not sure I'll go see it in the theater again, but I am definitely buying the DVD and will watch it over and over again.

PLUS - they just announce yesterday that they are going to start making 'New Moon'. Can't wait.

How about you - Like it? Love it? Hate it? Not sure?


Sheri said...

I liked it, but I think I'll like it better once I see again with Ian. Except that the guy that played Jasper bugged me. ALOT.

Jamie said...

Yeah - hear you on that one. The eyes and the hair...don't get it.

Kim said...

For me, they all bugged except Bella and Emmett. Jacob was ok. I probably won't see it again ever. My vision of twilight (in my head) is SO much better, I don't want these characters getting in the way of that.

Jon said...

I, fortunately, did not see it at all and am all the happier for it.

Tim said...

Jasper was horrendously gay. I seriously expected him to either break out in spontaneous song, or to randomly frolic through scenes in the background. By the end, I was actually a little disappointed that neither of these took place.
I know everyone was thinking it, but now its out there.

No WV.

Brian said...

Jon, I am with you!!!! Yes, that IS what I am thankful for on this most thankful of days!