Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Addiction vs Obsession vs OCD

Have you ever stopped to think about how similar these three words are? They are kind of different degrees of the same thing. For example:
I am addicted to Diet Coke. My day just isn't started until my first delicious, thirst-quenching, fantastic sip. I never, ever thought I would say that about a diet drink. But there it is.

I am currently obsessed with Jango.com and Bubble Town. Bubble Town is a game on MSN games. It's a silly game but I just. can't. stop. playing. Jango.com is an online radio station. You just select a few bands or songs you like and it creates your own personal station. It adds other songs it thinks you might like. You can choose to never play a song again, play it often or play it a lot. I love it. I've found some artists I've heard of but never knew I liked, like Snow Patrol, Plain White T's and The Fray. And I've discovered new artists, like Bright Eyes, Damien Rice and Sufjan Stevens. Of course, I don't like everything by these guys, but really, how often do you like everything on an album? Well, there is that Muse album....and both the Elbow albums I have.... And then there are some new artists that only have 1 or 2 songs I like - but I'd never heard of them before this, like Belle and Sebastian and Architecture in Helsinki. But the best part is - it can play such a variety of music: from Guns 'n Roses to Coldplay to Depeche Mode to Abba. It's awesome.

I am a little OCD about my closet and my books. My clothes have to be hung up in a certain order, ie: layering shirts like cami's and cap sleeves, solid t-shirts, t-shirts with words or pictures, non-t-shirt-type tops, long-sleeve shirts, dressier shirts, dress pants, skirts and dresses. Always. And they have to be on a certain color hanger. When Jon puts the clothes away, I have to immediately switch hangers and put things in order. I've been the same way about his clothes, but he really doesn't care, so I'm trying really hard to get over it. It's hard. As for my books - I have them arranged alphabetically by author and then in chronological order. I even have a spreadsheet that keeps track of all of the books I've read: including whether I own them or not and when I read them. I know. What a freak.

So - there's a little insight into my world. What are you addicted to or obsessed about?

And, because I can't post something without a picture...here's a recent one of the kids.


LauraB said...

My addition/obsession/OCD fixation are those two cutie pies!!!

Jon said...
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Jon said...

I'm addicted to Mt Dew, I'm obsessed with the Suns and snowboarding and I don't think I have ocd about anything.

Becca said...

All my clothes are on white hangers, must be facing the same direction and are categorized by sleeve length. Tim's clothes are on black hangers and may or may not be categorized depending on his mood and time. Mel clothes are on small white hangers and categorized into dresses, jackets, skirts etc.

We haven't heard of Jango, but we use Pandora - and Tim always has it on - it's on right now.

I have problems with spider solitaire, Sudoku, and crosswords. I actually can't buy my favorite "books" anymore because it is so addicting.

So you not very different from others out there...

Teresa said...

I'm OCD about closets too. My clothes are all organized by color. Stuart's approach makes me CRAZY! Oh, and I am OBSESSED with LOST.

Sheri said...

I'm addicted to chocolate. The kind varies. Right now it is Peanut M&M's.

I'm obsessed with jeans. I'm constantly looking for jeans that look good on me but don't cost an arm and a leg. I LOVE jeans.

I'm not really OCD about anything. I try to organize my closet but it never stays organized for very long. Oh wait, I'm OCD about exercising. If I don't exercise I think my world might collapse. It's a problem.

Kim said...

I'm addicted to ginger ale with sonic ice.

I'm not sure I'm obsessed with anything right now. Obsession implies effort, it's too much work for me.

Where to start with the OCD? there are SO many. Turning lights off, checking to make sure the stove is off and the doors are locked before bed. I check several times, even if I've just checked. Also, my remote has 49 buttons on it. I've counted - several hundred times. Those are just a few. Like I said, there are SO many.

Shandy said...

heee! loved this post!
ok, you are quite the writer and I've been very much entertained this evening learning more about you! (I was blog hopping and found you! yippee!)