Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Girl is 3

My baby girl turned 3 a few weeks ago. Here are some pics from the photo shooot.
Logan got in on the action....

I think this one is my favorite.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bless the food!

I don't think Logan and Lexi are getting the reason for prayer at meal time. First of all, they can't take turns saying the prayer at dinner time so we always end up having two prayers to avoid a fight. Second, they always forget to bless the food. Logan was thankful for fireworks tonight and prayed that Grammie and Papa will have a safe trip to Idaho (which he includes often). Lexi is thankful for the house and for night time. Logan's prayers usually always involve some type of petition for 45 days of more snow (It hasn't snowed since Christmas time)! Lexi says her prayers in a tiny high pitched voice that only dogs can hear. Logan is usually always eating or chewing something during his prayer. Lexi talks during Logan's and Logan talks during Lexi's. I guess they are at least learning to say them...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One of my favorites Christmas gifts

Let me preface this with a small story. One day in church, about a month before Christmas, Logan drew a picture of him, Jon and I. He wrote the names of the people in the picture:


Okay....He usually calls Jon "Daddy", but whatever. He actually said he was going to write all of our names, but he didn't know how to spell my name. Alright, that makes sense.

Then, the last week of school, he made a Christmas card for us:

I love it. I packed it away with all of the Christmas decorations and will cherish it for all of the years to come. I love that kid. And his Dad. And Jon.