Sunday, January 24, 2010

Playing Catch Up: Part II


Logan got ahold of my camera. Here's what he thought warranted a picture:
(There was also one of Jon's rear end...thought I'd spare you that one)

(What kid isn't focused on the presents?)

(This is only a small sampling of the pictures of the TV show he was watching)
And here's my favorite:
I think I'll get him his own camera soon. I like his view of things.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Playing Catch Up: Part I

There are so many things I love about Christmas time. One of them is the tree. I love christmas trees. (Although, not quite as much as my sister-in-law, Teresa. She had me way beat in number of trees this year. Just wait, Teresa - I might catch up to you one day!) A few years ago I adopted a blue and white/silver theme for my tree. I love the winteryness of the colors.

Logan's had his own tree for a few years, now, where he gets to hang all of kid/fun ornaments.

Lexi got her own very own pink mini-tree this year.

And they both got to hang the ornaments on the big tree. (Which was real and boy, did it sure smell good!)

Logan actually got some of the ornaments pretty high up there.

Daddy helped a bit, lifting the kids way up high.....

...but notice the bare patch on top............................and the row of ornaments along the bottom!

Here's the finished product: