Logan fell asleep at the table again last week.
He also had his fourth trip to the dentist. The first 3 times, he was really good the whole time. I knew it couldn't last. He was just not cooperating at all for the first half of his appointment. We even tried to give him laughing gas at one point, but he wouldn't let the dentist put the thing on his nose. The receptionist had to hold Lexi for me so I could hold Logan's hand down. The dentist had to threaten to send me out of the room and be mean and hold his head still. It was not fun. He ended up taking a little break to check on another patient and I got Logan up and we walked around the office a few times. During which time I bribed Logan - if he was good the rest of the time I would buy him a toy car he wanted. When the dentist came back, he decided not to use the drill and dig out the cavities the old fashioned way. That helped a lot. I think Logan really didn't like the vibration on his teeth - plus the sound of the drill is not the best sound in the world. After about 10 minutes, I see the dentist shaking Logan's shoulder lightly and saying his name...Logan did not respond. He was asleep! And he stayed asleep the rest of the time. We couldn't believe it. But, I guess if any kid can fall asleep at the dentist, it would be Logan.
I am so not a morning person. I'm okay if I wake up on my own, but I am very grumpy when woken up. So when Lexi wakes me up in the morning and I go in to get her and she's just got a huge grin, I wonder if she is my child. Today when I went in there I noticed she was eyeing her binkie. Then, lo and behold, she reached out and grabbed it and put it in her mouth! Yeah Lexi!
We got a new cheese grader and Jon used it for the first time the other day. He promptly proceeded to take a chunk out of his knuckle. Apparently it is really sharp. Duh! It bled a lot and it was not pretty to look at. Jon thinks it may have even got down to the bone. It probably could have used a stitch or two, but no way was Jon going to see a doctor. It's starting to heal nicely.
I'm beginning to wonder if Logan shouldn't go back to some nap time!! He seems to fall asleep a lot!! By the way, you have failed to mention in reporting Lexi's development if she has uttered the word "Grammie" yet - maybe you just forgot to tell me, because surely she has, hasn't she???
P.S. How many years has Jon been operating a cheese grater??
What is wrong with you Jon? Oh, I forgot you are spoiled and everyone does everything for you so you never learned how to operate a cheese grater.
I thought that ws Patrick? The spoiled one, I mean.
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