Monday, August 25, 2008

First day of School

Today was Logan's first day of Kindergarten....sniff, sniff. There are 6 K classes at our school - crazy, isn't it? Logan is in one of the morning classes. I took the day off of work today so I could take him. The kids all lined up outside of the school and the parents had to say goodbye there - we weren't allowed to take them to their class. I guess that's smart and makes the separation easier. Unless you're my kid. He refused to get in line and then totally clung to me and wouldn't go in the school. I had Lexi in the stroller and I had a camera in one hand, and Logan holding on for dear life to my other hand. I had a little freak-out moment. Thankfully, the kids' babysitter was there (her daughter also started Kindergarten today), so she offered to stay with Lexi while I took Logan in. We got into the shcool and he saw his teacher and saw other kids going into the classroom and then he was fine - he didn't even say goodbye to me.

Here's Logan and Meygan (the girl next door)

In other, totally unrelated news, the new Harry Potter movie that was supposed to come out in November has been pushed back to next summer. Do you know what that means???? TWILIGHT IS NOW OPENING ON NOVEMBER 21ST!!!!! My day just got better - how about yours?


LauraB said...

He looks so grown up!! Cute, cute pictures! Sniff, sniff is right! Little Logan is a school boy now!

Teresa said...

What a big kid! He looks so cute with his backpack.

Sheri said...

Kindergarten. Wow.

I'm soooo excited about Twilight and a little bummed about Harry Potter.

Did you like Breaking Dawn?

Jamie said...

Sheri - I did like it, but I think I read it too fast. I was in such a hurry that I think I missed some of the small stuff. Did you like it?

Beth said...

I can't believe he is in kindergarten! Holy cow!! He looks very cool in his Tony Hawk shirt!
I am so excited about Twilight coming out in November! Perfect b-day present for me!!! You should come to Colorado and we could go together :)

Jamie said...

Oooh - good idea, Beth! I'll have to look into that!

Kim said...

I remember taking Joe to the first day of kindergarten. I cried and cried, but not until after he was inside. Cute pictures.

I did hear that the movie had been moved up. I don't know how excited I am to see it though. I do NOT like the Edward they picked, and it looks like they've taken some liberties with the script. I hate it when they change the books too much. I'm sure I will go see it though.

I am disappointed that Harry Potter got moved back to next summer.

Sandy said...

Grandma is so proud of you. I hope you like school!