Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Deacons Quorum

Shortly after we bought our house I was called as the 2ND counselor in the Young Men's Presidency. You know what that means, deacons. I know what your thinking but deacons are people too. Right after my calling we had Priesthood preview which is to meet and talk to all the 11 year-olds that will be turning 12. I really had no idea what I was supposed to be doing at first because it was such a new calling to me. I remember thinking that I shouldn't be with the deacons. They are too young and I can't relate to any of them. I'd much rather be with the teachers or priests. As it turns out (and Jamie can attest to this), I'm just a big kid myself. We had another Priesthood preview tonight and it seems like they just keep getting smaller. Now I love the deacons! We have a ton of fun and I love the calling (except for the snow camp outs, and yes they camp all year here, the last one being about 5 degrees when we woke up in the morning). What are some of your favorite/least favorite callings in the church? Keep in mind if you mention you least favorite, that is almost a guarantee you'll be getting that one soon.


drjlambson said...

I have been at stake/ward missionary most of my adult life, which I have enjoyed. But I really loved teaching Sunday school to the 13-14 year olds and we were recently called to be the advisors for the Young Single Adults, and I am loving that calling, it is a really good time.

Beth said...

I am currently the war librarian and I LOVE it! There is no prep work for Sunday. I just show up and mingle with people while I make copies! It's great!
I have taught Primary a number of times and I do love being in Primary.

Sheri said...

I've done something in every organization and my favorite calling has been Nursery Leader. You show up for church, play with toys and eat snacks. Seriously.

My worst calling was Primary Chorister. I just plain sucked.

Jamie said...

Most of my callings have had to do with music. Most recently they've been primary pianist, choir accompanist and organist. For a while last year, I was doing all three at the same time!

Choir director wasn't so great, but I do love anything that has to do with music.

LauraB said...

I have enjoyed my primary callings the most. The calling I would love to have is "reverence adult" - you know, like the kids who stand up front before sacrament meeting and are quiet and reverent. Only my calling would be to arrive early to church, sit quietly and not visit, and not sleep during church. That would be an AWESOME calling! Think my Bishop will be inspired to create such a callin?

LauraB said...

Hey, I just noticed - cute pictures of the kids!! You got those quick!!

Tim said...

I was called to the Primary when I turned 18, and have stayed ever since (except for a very short 2 years teaching Gospel Principles). My very least favorite calling would calling at all.