Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's AI Time Again

These are my current favorites on American Idol right now. I've liked Adam since the beginning and Kris has really started to grow on me the past 2 weeks.

Is it just me or was American Idol last night very disappointing? It all started around 9p when I finally got around to watching the show. I almost never watch it live, because I like to be able to fast forward through the songs I don't care for. Which is what I did for all of the songs last night. Except for Scott's song - I actually kinda liked that one, and the judges didn't. After hearing that the judges liked Matt's song, I went back and listened a bit more. Nope. Still didn't like it. I was especially disappointed in Kris. I didn't watch his whole performance, either.

The most disappointing part of the night? My recording stopped right before Adam's song. Yep - I missed it. I was really upset (well, as much as one can be upset over a TV show!) I just love watching him and listening to his voice. I even really liked his rendition of 'Ring of Fire'. I think his voice kind of reminds me of all of those 80's big hair rock bands I like.... Anyway, I did find his performance online today and saw that Simon gave him a standing o. Good for you Adam.

The rest of them better get their acts together next week. What did you think?


Becca said...

Usually I have opinions on American Idol - but this year we opted not to have a TV in the house. I must admit that I miss American Idol and more importantly - WHAT AM I GOING TO DO when so you think you can dance starts. So I have no idea who is on AMerican Idol and honestly I like the no TV thing.
I am trying to convince Tim that we should move to Idaho...

Sheri said...

I haven't been watching AI that much this year. But I do like Adam and Kris. I watched Adam's performance online too. It was great!

Jon said...

I apologize for this blog entry on our site.

LauraB said...

This year has not held my interest. Not sure why - the 4 judges, the contestants (I'm not that impressed with them) - I can miss the show and not give it a second thought.

Teresa said...

I really haven't had an interest in the show lately. We watched it for the first time last night, mainly because there didn't appear to be anything else on TV. Other than the last guy, it was all kinda boring.

I have to say that I am impressed Becca. We are TV addicts. We recently decided to try one night a week with no TV and I think that in itself will be a challenge.

Brian said...


That's me VOMITING all over your post. Adam is HORRRRRRRRRRIBLE!!!! Not to mention VERY creepy. Before you all get your panties in a ruffle, sure, he is TECHNICALLY sound, but man, I do NOT enjoy screeching and closing my eyes and hearing Cher. OMG it is CRAP.

Best case scenario: the judges use their save next week and the week after Adam gets the lowest votes and the judges can't save him! Oh, I so hope that happens!

As for Kris, I really like him. I totally like the singer/songwriter type. Like Jack Johnson or Matt Costa. Good stuff.

Kim said...

I agree with Brian, however, I will be less mean about it.

I don't really care for Adam at all. I do, however understand what the judges like about him. He's always on key, I personally don't like the SOUND of his voice. And, it's not the falsetto thing. I like plenty of guys who sing in the falsetto. It's just that when they do, I can still tell they are guys. When Adam sings in his falsetto he sounds like a girl and it creeps me out.

Also, I feel like he's not genuine on stage. I feel like he has too much theater experience and he is ACTING like what he thinks a rock star SHOULD act like. It feels false to me.

Just my opinion - to each his own.

I feel like Kris is the real deal. He exudes emotion when he sings, and he can take songs that I really don't like at all (Ain't No Sunshine) and make them sound unique and different and I end up liking it.

I also like Matt, although he has admittedly had some really bad weeks. Danny's pretty good too, but only if I close my eyes. Someone needs to tell him not to dance.

Allison is my favorite girl.

And that's my whole lotta two cents. I'm just glad SOMEONE is watching this year so we can discuss.

Teresa said...

Why does Brian always get so worked up about American Idol? What's with all that anger?

Jamie said...

No kidding - I'm having flashbacks of his angst with David Cook...

Teresa said...

I think Stuart would agree with you Jon. He actually wanted me to change my comment to accurately reflect that I forced him to watch AI.

Brian said...

Oh, don't EVEN bring up David Crock! Maybe both will go on tour and their plane will end on on "The Island" on LOST and we'll never hear from them again!!!!!

And seriously, how can ANYONE hear the Ring of Fire and like it??? It is SO creepy!!

LauraB said...

Brian, weren't you at work at 3:50 p.m.?

Joe said...


I also like Danny, Allison,& Matt.....
but that's just me.