Monday, October 1, 2007

Spencer and Chloe

A few weeks ago, Jon took Logan to eat and play at Carls Jr. While they were there, Logan found an abandoned name tag that said 'Spencer' on it. Several times since them, Logan has referred to himself as Spencer. For example: In primary one day, they were asking if anyone was new. He raised his hand. I happened to be teaching his class that day, so I pulled his hand down and said he wasn't new. He says, "But, my name is Spencer now, and that means I'm new."

Today, Logan was playing with my jewelry - something he loves to do, but I don't let him as often as he would like. He was taking all of rings and stuff out of my jewelry thing and he says, "Don't worry. I won't let any small pieces get near Alexa - I mean Chloe." What? I guess he still remembers when Jon wanted to name the baby Chloe!


Sheri said...

That kid is hilarious. I love the Spencer story - how smart is that?

Kim said...

That is too funny. I think every kid at some point wants to change their name. I remember when I was younger I wanted my name to be Claire. Joseph wanted his name to be Sam.

Charlotte said...

Should I be worried that Ryan says his nickname is blood and the new frog (we have 4 now) is also named blood?? TOO MANY VIDEO GAMES!!!!

Teresa said...

Char, you might want to start getting some therapy for that boy now!

Beth said...

Tell Spencer and Chloe that Austin misses them!! He loves looking at Logan's pictures on here! I have pictures of all the boys to send you! I will try and do that soon!!

Trina said...

That is so so so funny. I always thought Logan was so shy, what a crazy kid, I love it

LauraB said...

For anyone who's interested, "Spencer" is alive and well. We were at the park today and Logan found a friend to play with. Pretty soon, Jamie and I hear the kid running after Logan saying "Hey, Spencer..." Yup, he told the kid his name was Spencer!!

Teresa said...

Anyone consider that he created this alias to remove himself from responsibility for any misconduct?

Kim said...

I like Teresa's theory. It makes a lot of sense.