Sunday, June 8, 2008

Game On

It is a well known fact in the Lambson household that Jon is, let's say, very lucky when it comes to the game of 'Cities and Knights of Catan'. He just wins constantly. It has been a rare occasion for anyone else to win when he plays. He has been known to say 'Do you feel like losing at Settler's today?' when the more appropriate question should have been 'Do you want to play Settler's?'. I have learned to live with his gloating and sense of superiority.

Until now....

On May 16th, I won a game. Shocking, I know. We have since played many games, almost once a day. Sometimes twice a day. The most amazing part is - I have won the majority of these games. I say about 75%, Jon will concede to around 60%. So, we decided to keep track. I don't know how long this challenge will go on...until he gets tired of losing, I guess. We just started keeping track yesterday, and so far it's 1 to 1, but it's still early. I have plenty of time to win.

Bring it, Jon.


LauraB said...

OK - you can do this challenge on one condition - you have to promise you will still be speaking to each other when it's over!!!!

Teresa said...

My money's on Jamie!

Brian said...

1 to 1??? That doesn't sound like 75%, or even 60%. Get back to me when you have some decisive statistics.

Sheri said...

I'm actually surprised you aren't winning 90% of the games. You're a pretty tough competitor.

Also, you never taught me to play Cities and Knights...maybe you should move back so you could teach me...

Jon said...

Just cause she's a tough competitor doesn't mean she is any good. Besides 5/16 was not only her birthday weekend but it was also mother's day weekend. Now I can actually start trying. If you want the actual statistics for last year, its like 84 to 5, me!

Jamie said...

Whatever, Jon. Mother's Day was the weekend before. Plus, we played on my actual birthday and you had no problem beating me (at the game), so don't give me this 'now I can try' mumbo jumbo. And I'm sure I won more than 5 games last year.

Like 6 or 7 at least!

Jon said...

Jamie hasn't updated it yet but I am in the is not 2 to 2

LauraB said...

So, what IS the score??