Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lexi's new favorite thing

It was bound to happen.... Lexi is totally into the Teletubbies right now. We have one episode recorded that she watches over and over and over and over - well, you get it. Here's a little video of her watching the show. Watch what she does at the end.

Additional comments from Jon....

Lexi has never shown any interest in T.V., which is a good thing. So far she watches the occasional Baby Einstein video and had a short stint into Yo Gabba Gabba. She has recently taking a liking to Teletubbies which she refers to as "Tubbies" and gets upset if her "Tubbies" is not on. Is it just me or is the intro music to Teletubies very similar to the intro into X-Files? Those 4 things/aliens on that show are just plain weird. I don't remember watching anything but Sesame Street when I was that young. I do remember moving on the some of the cartoon greats like Heman, Transformers, Thundercats and Voltron. What was your favorite cartoon growing up?


Kim said...

What a cutie. She is looking so grown up.

Joe went through a really short teletubbies phase. He liked the baby in the sun.

Teresa said...

Jack is the same way as Joe, loves the baby in the sun and that is about it. He isn't really into TV, but he is into music. So, he will stop and watch TV when the theme music to any show is on, and during some commercials, but then he loses interest after that.

Kim said...

Hey, that other stuff wasn't up there when I first commented. I remember Heman, Transformers, Thundercats and Voltron, but only because I had little brothers that watched them.

I remember loving Looney Tunes on Saturday mornings. I loved Marvin the Martian and Daffy Duck. I never liked Elmer Fudd though, his stuttering bothered me. I also liked Heckle and Jeckle (sp?)

Man, I'm old.

LauraB said...

I see she still opens her mouth when she sees a camera pointed at her!

As far as cartoons, my favorites were Jetsons and Looney Tunes.

Sheri said...

The Smurfs, Thundercats and He-Man. Hey! I had younger brothers!

I remember taking the netting off of Darrel's He-Man castle and making it into a fingerless glove. Yeah, I was cool like that.

Sheri said...

i just say the video - LOVE it when she opens her mouth wide at the end :)

Teresa said...


Darrel said...

I have to say that you hot my four right on the nose. I loved Heman, Transformers, Thundercats, and Voltron.

Kim said...

" hot my four right on the nose." What?

Brian said...

I'm with Darrel. He-Man (duh), Thundercats, Transformers, and Voltron. I also watched the Smurfs from time to time. That was Sat. morning. And although it wasn't a cartoon, Fraggle Rock.

Michelle and Aaron said...

I'm gonna say Smurfs and thundercats. Followed closely by x-men later on! Aaron says Dragonball. I told him that doesn't count since it was later, but oh well.

Michelle and Aaron said...

I'm gonna say Smurfs and thundercats. Followed closely by x-men later on! Aaron says Dragonball. I told him that doesn't count since it was later, but oh well.

Marcy said...

I loved the looney tunes-the giant orange monster was my favorite. I enjoyed Hanna-Barbara cartoons especially the ones when they all got together and raced. I like old old Disney cartoons and later Animaniacs (hilarious). As far as the brother-shows go, I prefer GIJoe, because knowing is half the battle. But She-ra was awesome too. There's too many to chose from.

Tim said...

He-man. Hands down.

Tim said...

But I suppose there were others with some value ("Thundercats! Ho-ooooo!")