Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Shameless Plug

I have this friend who taught piano lessons at the same place I did several years ago. While we never 'hung out' outside of work, I do consider him a friend and am so proud of him. His name is William Joseph and he just released his second album this week. The first album is called 'Within' and a couple of the songs off that album are currently on my playlist. He wrote two of the songs - obviously not 'Ave Maria'. His second album is called 'Beyond' and I've only heard a couple of the songs so far, but they are outstanding. His first album is available at Deseret Book, so I would assume his second one is, as well. He plays the piano, but the songs also have a full orchestra, and in some cases, voices, as well. He's supposed to be on 'Dr. Phil' today, so check it out if you have time. He's been on tour with Josh Groban, Clay Aiken and Il Divo. He's done all kinds of things that I could only dream about.

Anyway - I think William is amazing and I justed wanted everyone to know.


Brian said...

He sounds almost as amazing as me...almost!

Jamie said...

You're right Brian - but he's not quite there yet.

Sheri said...

He's also kinda cute. I'm just saying...

P.S. don't tell Ian

Jon said...

Hello...Jamie, you still do have a husband so stop drooling all over this guy.

Brian said...

Sheri, Ian DOES read these things.

Jamie, it's can still like him. Not many CAN compete with me. So when someone comes close, that's pretty good. You've still got me however. Although touring with Clay Aiken shouldn't be on anyone's highlight list.

Kim said...

Brian, why does it always have to be about you?

I'm liking the music. It's cool to see someone you know fulfilling their dreams.

Jamie said...

Jon, you don't need to be so insecured...he's already married.

Brian, you can say what you want about Clay, but he has a fabulous voice and draws a huge crowd. If it got tons of people to hear me play, I'd tour with him, too.

LauraB said...

Your father-in-law wants to know why you have a picture of this guy on your blog. I tried to explain there are "boyfriends" and then there are "boy" friends. I think he understands - not sure, but I think he does.

Yup, Sheri, that he is!

Brian said...

I know Clay has a good voice, but everyday he looks more and more like a woman...I don't know what that's about. Or maybe I do...

Brian said...

And Kim, do you have to ask? It's ALWAYS about me. Just ask Jamie, she agrees :-)

Teresa said...

I don't think these blogs are big enough to contain the ego of Brian.

LauraB said...

Did you hear Clay Aiken is going to be a dad????

Jon said...

Brian, you can have
I'm sure its still available

Jon said...

I'm not insecure. I did marry you for time and all eternity remember. But my next post may be about Kate Beckensale

Brian said...

Jon, I am ALL for that!

Becca said...

I'll agree that this is a good lookin picture for your friend, and his music sounds like it's worth listening too - We'll check Deseret Book.