Monday, December 1, 2008

Before and After - Again

Exhibit 1: Before
It was time for another change. I had unknowingly decided to grow my hair out since I moved to Idaho. Meaning - it just happened. Before I knew it, my hair was longer than it's ever been - or least since high school (and I won't even say how long ago that was).

It eventually got to the point where I was just putting it up everyday, because it's just so darn thick that it takes forever to do. And - Jon kept wondering what happened to the blonde he married. So - I decided to kill two birds with one stone.

Exhibits 2 and 3: After
My head feels about 10 pounds lighter and I'm using way less shampoo. I still put my hair up half of the time, but hey - you can't win them all.


Beth said...

It looks so cute! I love it straight. I cut my hair short hoping to avoid pulling it back all the time, but I still do! What can you do?!

Teresa said...

WOW! You look great!

Tim said...

Sorry we didn't make it, guys. We got stuck in holiday traffic, and didn't reach Boise until 7am (about 9 hours later than we planned). We had to drive straight through to make it to Rexburg on time. Idaho was really nice though - great weather.

Sheri said...

You are a TOTAL babe. I love it!

LauraB said...

Love it, love it, love it!! What more can I say!

Charlotte said...

Always photogenic! I love your hair. Now I'm going to have to go get my hair colored tomorrow. Thanks! So now that Pat is coming for Christmas, that leaves you guys! Are you really going to be the only ones not here??????

Jamie said...

Thanks, everyone. I must admit that I don't miss the long hair at fact I'm already thinking about cutting it shorter again.

Sorry Char - we really aren't coming down for Christmas this year. I have Christmas Day off, but that's it. I'm low man on the totem pole at work. Maybe next year.

Brian said...

Jamie, Jamie, Jamie...if you REALLY loved us you would come down. Oh well, I see where I stand on your list of priorities :-( Love the hair btw.

Kim said...

Jamie, your hair looks really pretty.

I've unknowingly decided to grow my hair out too, and I'm about sick of it now. You've inspired me to do something about it.

Jon said...

we are dreaming of a white x-mas in Boise...also I apologize again for the continuation of twilight on this blog