Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Movie Trivia

I just loved Sheri's movie quote quiz. And being the movie-freak that I am, I just had to do one, as well. So, Jon and I came up with some of our favorite movies and quotes. I decided to do one-liners to make things more difficult (or easier in some cases). I was going to wait a few days to post this, to give some down-time after Sheri's post, but Jon insisted I post it tonight. So here they are. The same rules apply. Please only make one guess per 24 hours so everyone gets a chance. Once they are guessed correctly, I'll highlight them with the name of the movie and who guessed it. Please don't cheat by googling/IMDBing the quotes. Have fun and good luck!

1. You look good wearing my future. Some Kind of Wonderful - Teresa

2. This is not my best day ever. Serenity - Marcy

3. There is no spoon. The Matrix - Becca

4. You can be my John G. Memento - Darrel

5. Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder. The Empire Strikes Back - Jack

6. Suddenly an unconscious Argentinean fell through my roof. Moulin Rouge - Beth

7. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time. Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Kim

8. What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you’re real, you better tell me right now! I am Legend - Marcy

9. The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army more deadly than any that walks this earth. This was a two-parter. Laura guessed it was a LOTR movie and Tim knew it was Return of the King.

10. In punishment for lack of an interesting pirate name, Peter shall walk the plank. Finding Neverland - Brian


Teresa said...

#1 is "Some Kind of Wonderful" LOVE that movie!

Teresa said...

Hey, is there a prize at stake? You know how competitive I get.

Jack said...

#5 is Empire Strikes Back

Jamie said...

Teresa, that is my favorite movie ever... I wasn't sure if anyone else would know it! I'll think of something for a prize... and I'm not sure that Jack counts...has he even seen that movie?

LauraB said...

OK - since I don't go to a lot of movies and I can't remember the dialogue anyway, I'm taking a guess here and saying that #9 has got to be from the Lord of the Rings because Jon wouldn't do one of these things without a quote from those movies and that's the only one that I think fits!! Now, if you're going to be picky and ask "which one," then I'll have to bow out and let someone else get that one!

Kim said...

Is #7 Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

Brian and I are working on a movie list too. I think it's fun.

Brian said...

#10, I believe, is from Finding Neverland.

Marcy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marcy said...

OK, I took the easy one first, but then...I remembered:

#2 Serenity

I think I know all the rest, except #4 and it's buggin' me.

Marcy said...

OK, I took the easy one first, but then...I remembered:

#2 Serenity

I think I know all the rest, except #4 and it's buggin' me.

Marcy said...

I don't know how that posted twice, sorry. I tried to delete one, but it didn't work.

Jack said...

Of course, my mom watches those all the time. I heard the lines in utero before I was born.

Tim said...

9 is Return of the King.

Becca said...

#3 is The Matrix, but I don't watch R rated movies! Aaron and Michelle had an edited version.

Jamie said...

Great job everyone! The guesses from Laura, Kim, Brian, Marcy, Tim and Becca are all right!

Tim said...

Sorry, I didn't read all of Laura's comment - she should get the credit (I'll take partial for riding her coat-tails).

Jamie said...

Okay - you both get credit.

Teresa said...

You know I love you Laura, but technically, you didn't have the right answer!

Kim said...

I think I know number 6. I've never seen the movie all the way through, just bits and pieces, but vaguely remember that line. How long do we have to wait until we can guess again?

Beth said...

I think #6 is Moulin Rouge

Sheri said...

Stink! I knew #6 was Moulin Rouge...but alas, I am too late.

Jamie said...

Good job, Beth. Sorry Sheri - but there are 2 more!

Sheri said...

Yeah, and neither sound familiar. I'm going to ask Ian when he gets home. He'll probably know...he knows everything.

P.S. I got your call the other night...but couldn't call back because I don't have long distance. You aren't crazy...I posted something then took it off. I have blog anxiety. It's hard to explain.

Darrel said...

I believe that number four comes from one of my favs, Memento.

Brian said...

That's the name of that movie...I couldn't remember the name of it. I knew that the guy can't make new memories and tatoos them on himself. Thanks Darrel...it was bugging me.

Jamie said...

Great job Darrel - I kept waiting for you to get that one. I think you're the one introduced that movie to us and it's one of our faves, too.

Only 1 left now...anyone can guess.

Brian said...

Can anyone cheat?

Jamie said...

NO! But I'll give a hint if no one can guess it in the next few hours.

Sheri said...

i know what it is but i cheated.

Jamie said...

Okay - #9 is from a recent movie. I changed it to the full quote to see if that helps.

LauraB said...

To answer your question Brian - yes, you can cheat. The question is, should you? I confess, along with Sheri, to cheating to get the answer to number 8 - but I won't post it. I was intrigued that nobody was getting it - and there are some movie buffs looking at this blog!

Jamie said...

Yeah - I meant #8 is from a recent movie. Like, within the last 4 months.

Kim said...

That's why I can't get it. I never get to go to the movies unless I'm taking Joe to a kids movie he wants to see. I'm guessing it's not a kids movie.

Marcy said...

OH, DUHHHH! It's I Am Legend. Sorry it took me so long to figure it out. I'm only human, it think. i could be a cardboard cutout, or a manequinn.

Marcy said...

That was fun. We're doing it next.

Jamie said...

Good job Marcy.